Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

It's more serious than you think...And the outcome could be worse than you can imagine. And more times than not, symptom-less. I am talking none other than your cholesterol. It's a topic you hear daily, in the news, on the radio and even read about in the newspaper. But if you have high cholesterol, it could lead to stroke or even heart attack!

Being only 30 myself, I thought I surely wasn't at risk of having a high cholesterol count...But after a recent trip to the doctor, it was soon discovered that yup, I do...Like so many of us, I love the covenience of fast food, the tastiness of beer, but are too busy with work during the week to have time to hit the gym. However, from when it was soon discovered, my diet has changed and I have 3 months to ship my cholesterol into shape. I am lucky that this was caught early enough before my choesterol levels spiraled way out of control. And that is the sole reason for this post...Regardless if you are a man or a woman of any background (it does not discriminate), do yourself a favour and get checked out. Your heart will be happy you did!

For more information on cholesterol, please click on the following links:

Health Canada -

Heart Canada -

Checkstr :)


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