Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Past Due!

After a few reminders of late, I noticed that it has been a long time since I last posted. Over a month to be exact! And to update my previous post...The car has been fixed!!! It took alot of running around with my insurance company, but all is good :)

So what is new??? Hmmmm....As I ponder that question I come up with one big answer...Only 16 days until Christmas! To all those who wish to remain oblivious to the fact that it is just around the corner...I apologize. However, I feel more ready than ever this year. I know what I'm getting everyone on my list and have already purchased a few gifts along the way. The rest of the gifts are ideas at the moment...I just need to brave the packed malls to redeem these ideas into something wrapable! If you are one that is on my list thinking I'm gonna reveal what I might be getting you...The survey says.....'X' Since I know that I have tappered off with my postings, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and of course Happy Holidays just in case I don't get around to posting before then! I'm enjoying all the fun Christmas parties!

Aside from the approaching holiday season, what else is new? The company I work for has moved further west than where we were before...This translates to...A longer drive! Just this morning for instance (okay, it snowed a little last night), it took me 1 hour and 45 minutes to get there. Oh well, it's nice being in our own building not riding an elevator that stops on every floor. When you work on the 16th floor, it gets to be a bit of a pain.

Well...Think that's it for now....I'm tired and going to bed! Wow, it's Friday night and I'm crashing out at 9:00! Crazyness!
