Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Really? That Long?

Ummm, August...September...October....November....December....Happy New Year!!! Almost 6 months without a posting...Until now! Although, as funny as it may sound, I don't really have much new in terms of news.

Yes, we got the boat...It ran great! We were able to wakeboard and cruise around the lake :) Everything seemed too good to be true...And alas, the alternator went. But if that is all that went wrong in our first season of owning a boat we really knew nothing about (in regards to it's history), then that ain't so bad! And it really was all that went wrong...So as we are having it stored at a marina, they are doing the maintenance work, and it should be ready to go again for the start of next season :) Can't wait!!! Because that also means, cottage season! Which really, is only three-four months away...Quite possibly before my next posting ;)

Last month, Bren was able to score me passes to skate at the ACC!!! What a thrill!!! Soooo much fun and I still get giddy just thinking about it! I got to also meet my hockey hero Wendel Clark. I was able to get a picture of me and him cheersing with a beer :) And what an experience it was being able to skate at the Air Canada Center...Where the Leaf's play! Looking up at the stands and taking in the environment, it felt so surreal. And it made myself, Kirk, Chad and Ryan feel like kids again.

Then came Christmas...Good times with family. Visiting my parents Christmas Day, and then driving accross the 401 to my girlfriend's parents place for their Christmas on Boxing Day. Yes, Santa was very good to me :) Hope Santa was good to you too!

And with the end of Christmas, comes the end of 2006. Bren and I weren't really looking to party it up, so we had a few friends over and rang in '07 with some laughs, board games and drinks. Good times methinks. I didn't really make any resolutions, however, I think I'm going to try to drink a little bit more water and get back into shape. And I've actually started to play some squash with Bren. It's good excercise and fun too :) Now I'll need to do is keep up my motivation to go!

And that brings me to now...Just polished off a little cheesecake and think it's time I end this post and lounge in front of the tube for a little...Hope you have all kept well! :)
