Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Hmmmm....I am really bad at blogging!!!

Seriously though...It's been aprox. 1 year since I last blogged! Sheesh! You'd think I was busy or something :) Well okay, I have been pretty busy. Bren and I moved into our new house, and we love it! :) It's not a super big place by any means, but it suits the both of us just fine! Very minimal maintenance...A patch of grass in the front of our townhouse and that is it...This calculates to very little lawn work :) Fantastic!

But before we moved in to our new pad, on November 24th/2007, I proposed to Bren...In front of a crowded bar on stage at karaoke...You see, I can be shy...And well, known to be pretty shy. But not when it comes to karaoke for some reason...With or without the liquid courage. So I thought, what better way to propose than in front of friends (and strangers) on stage after singing a duet. And the plan went off without a hitch! :) Bren said yes, and, was definitely surprised! :) Actually, so were most of my friends who had no idea I was planning this. They all thought that it was a going away party for Bren and I...Celebrating us moving in to our new digs.

With the engagement and moving...Plus the holiday's and the start of cottage season, it's been pretty hectic...Yet fun! :) I hope to try and blog more as time progresses...But I do know that as the summer ramps down, the wedding plans will ramp up...So, I make no promises. Our wedding is in April of 2009 :) Can't wait!
