Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

And All That Jazz...

Originally uploaded by check17.
The 17th annual Beaches Jazz festival is here and in full effect. And as you can see, I took part in the festivities. Bren, Kirk and myself too to the streets armed with cameras (but I forgot to do a battery check before I left the house and therefore was only able to grab a few pics). Luckily, my rendez-vous with the police was caught on film. Actually, I want to give full credit to Metro's finest for being such good sports...Thumbs up! If you click on the photo, it'll take you to the other pics I took while we wandered about.

In the approximate 7 years that I have lived in the beaches area, I have managed to witness the sights and sounds at least once every festival. As much as some locals cringe at the traffic mayhem it causes, the rowdy crowds, it is definitely a welcome event for local businesses...Most staying open later than usual to bask in the potential sales.

If you don't get a chance to check it out this time around, there'll always be next year...And the year after that...Well, you get the message.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hmmm....Where to Begin???

Recently, I have gotten a little bit of flack in regards to my lack of postings...I can't argue, it has been a while, but I've been keeping myself busy. I have taken up spinning with some friends (gotta give Ashley much props here!). I honestly didn't think I was going to like it and quite frankly, I was kinda nervous...Okay allow me to retract that last comment, I was nervous as hell! Picture it, a smoker (for over 15 years), someone who is really out of shape, and to top it off, someone who gets distracted very easily (me likes them shiny objects!!!), stepping on a stationary bicycle for approximately an hour and pedalling like I'm being chased! However, the first class came and went, and I haven't looked back since. It's still tough sometimes to conjure up the motivation head there after work, but once on the bike, it's a whole different feeling. It also helps too that my friends are there as well...We tend to make it a really fun time! Not to mention the fun afterwards over at the Wheat Sheaf once class is done. Good conversation, refreshing beverages and decent food (for the most part), although you can't go wrong with their half price wings :)

Aside from spinning, I was on vacation last week...I know what you must be thinking, he's not making a good argument for not posting since the first week of July. True indeed, but I really haven't been around much to sit and post. Been to Peterborough the last two weekends, had a golf tournament up in Alliston, went to Canada's Wonderland and been out to the movies with Bren. Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention, had house paint splattered on my car because some tool left the back hatch open on his Pathfinder while flying down the Gardiner Expressway. Because of that, a full paint can happened to roll out of his trunk, splatter on the highway right beside where I was driving and 'SPLAT', all over the side of my car. Luckily though, I was able to get the majority of it off. Hopefully within time, the rest will wear off. Maybe if I wouldn't have gone home first to have a sandwich or two (c'mon, I was hungry), and went directly to a car wash, I might've been able to remove the rest of it before it had a chance to bake on...But oh well, as I said before, I was hungry.

Well, hopefully I'll post a little more frequently....No promises though, but I'll give it a valiant effort! Until then, keep cool and hope this crazy humidity goes away!

P.S. - The house I'm renting is for sale...Nothing like strangers walking through your apartment when you're not home and leaving doors unlocked and all the lights on! Urgh! My apologies, just needed to vent!


Sunday, July 10, 2005

A Few Peterborough Pics Online!

This past weekend rocked! A little Frolf (Frisbee meets golf), a little Cranium (Brain meets play-dough after mass amounts of drinks), some mini-golf and a luncheon on a roof-top patio...All in my sister's new hometown, Peterborough...Good times, good friends, a bbq and some drinks...What else can you ask for?!?! Okay, maybe a little peace and quiet for all my friends who had to put up with my snoring! Sorry guys! ... Yes Ash, one day soon I'll look into the whole Sleep Apnea thing! Although, I contend that it's just a snoring problem.

Yeeaayah, Wwwwhat!

As usual, pics of this weekend are online! Just click on the title of this post and check 'er out!


Monday, July 04, 2005

Clicky Here For Pics Of The 2005 Canada Day Weekend :)

Once again...Another Fantastic Canada Day Weekend indeed at the cottage! Friends + Lake + AquaSports + Beer + BBQ's + Fireworks = :) :) :)

I definitely have to give a shout out to Chad! Thanks again dude! And to both Kirk and Chad who coached me to my first water-skiing experience :) And of course to Bren, who got to experience Cordova all over again!

P.S. - Happy Birthday again Pam!
