Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2005

And All That Jazz...

Originally uploaded by check17.
The 17th annual Beaches Jazz festival is here and in full effect. And as you can see, I took part in the festivities. Bren, Kirk and myself too to the streets armed with cameras (but I forgot to do a battery check before I left the house and therefore was only able to grab a few pics). Luckily, my rendez-vous with the police was caught on film. Actually, I want to give full credit to Metro's finest for being such good sports...Thumbs up! If you click on the photo, it'll take you to the other pics I took while we wandered about.

In the approximate 7 years that I have lived in the beaches area, I have managed to witness the sights and sounds at least once every festival. As much as some locals cringe at the traffic mayhem it causes, the rowdy crowds, it is definitely a welcome event for local businesses...Most staying open later than usual to bask in the potential sales.

If you don't get a chance to check it out this time around, there'll always be next year...And the year after that...Well, you get the message.



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