Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

A Few Peterborough Pics Online!

This past weekend rocked! A little Frolf (Frisbee meets golf), a little Cranium (Brain meets play-dough after mass amounts of drinks), some mini-golf and a luncheon on a roof-top patio...All in my sister's new hometown, Peterborough...Good times, good friends, a bbq and some drinks...What else can you ask for?!?! Okay, maybe a little peace and quiet for all my friends who had to put up with my snoring! Sorry guys! ... Yes Ash, one day soon I'll look into the whole Sleep Apnea thing! Although, I contend that it's just a snoring problem.

Yeeaayah, Wwwwhat!

As usual, pics of this weekend are online! Just click on the title of this post and check 'er out!



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