Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Big Rip-Off

Not only do you get hosed at the pumps, you get hosed every month when you buy into this whole auto-insurance business...Why have it? I mean honestly, those monthly withdrawals is like money thown out the window...Never to be seen again! And for what reason do we need this insurance? Well, one might say...You can claim damages to your vehicle just in case you get into an accident...HA! That's a crock of...Well, you get the message! Can you tell I'm bitter?!?! Let me tell you why.

I got into a minor fender bender a couple of weeks ago (please keep this time line in mind). The fender bender which wasn't my fault, has been a thorn in my rear quarter panel and bumper for three weeks now. And why you ask? Well, following accident protocol, I reported the accident to the Reporting Center, and then to my insurance company. I gave them as much information as I could and would hope that they'd would follow up with the other motorist. After many messages last week, they did not call back. No update, nothing! What I was told was this: a) If they contacted the other driver and he had insurance, his insurance would pay for my deductible and all would be good. b) If they could not contact the other motorist, I would have to pay for my own deductible ($1000.00)...Highly unfair. And, c) If they contact the other motorist but he does not have valid insurance, I was protected under the Highway Traffic Act but would still have to pay $300.00 towards my deductible to get my car fixed...Complicated, yup! And when you have insurance companies taking their sweet time getting all this info together, it leads to frustration. Especially considering, my car was in the shop waiting for word from the insurance company. No word = Driving a banged up car. Finally, after a week of waiting, I got a call! But the call wasn't positive...They're still waiting to hear back from the other driver...I've got an idea....Knock on his friggin' door! So now I wait. Maybe the other motorist will return a phone-call. I hope my insurance company ended the voicemail message with 'please'. Wouldn't want to upset the other driver! This is Canada afterall.

So here I sit...Frustrated, jaded, and just generally left with a bad taste in my mouth when my bank account takes a hit on the 16th of each month....But now I get to watch my premiums go up. Yippee! (sense the sarcasm?!?).



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