Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Getting Close!

Sunday October 9th...That's how much time remains before my sister gets married. I do have to say, so many emotions have been running through my head of late. As most know, my sister and I are close...Could be a result of our European upbringing, or could be a result that we always helped each other out. Whatever the reason...We just get along. We share the same circle of friends, enjoy hanging out and even enjoy challenging each other at a game of pool or a game on the PS2. Yes, we are both very competitve which makes it fun.

One night hanging out with some of our friends at a local establishment, Pam met this guy named Mike. Now, Mike doesn't live in the city, he was down for the weekend visiting some friends...These friends of his however, happened to be our friends as well. After a night of chatting, they realized that this could lead to something. And how right they were! They enjoy alot of the same things and just simply put, have alot in common. From sports right down to their humour. It's fantastic, Pam has met somebody she's been looking for...But better yet, has met somebody she want's to spend her life with :) About Mike, I think he's a great guy...A stand up individual. He is very easy going, and fun to be around. He's a hard worker and doesn't mind helping out when he can.

I am so happy for the both of them! I can't for wait for Sunday! I am really stoked for them and know that everything will go smoothly! I will try to post some pics from the wedding as soon as I can :)



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