Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

And A'Camping We Went!

Last weekend Bren and I took to the Ontario Parks world and camped it up! It was fun and I was able to use my new and improved tent :) After pitching it, I deemed it the Mack Truck of tents! It was huge with two rooms easily fitting a double air mattress in each. A big step up from the small tent of past.

But I must say, the event that got our hearts racing happened on the drive home...Some idiot driver, who probably mastered the art of driving dangerously from one of the many car video games out there...Took to the streets and was speeding, passing cars illegally and ultimately in the end....Took him and his two friends for a spin in the air after loosing control. A roll-over which happened about 3-5 cars in front of us! Needless to say, this guy just moments before passed me and the car beside me on the dotted line. Luckily, it looked like no-one was seriously injured and also lucky he didn't take other innocent motorists with him.

Well, that's all I got for 'ya today...Keep checking, I'll post a pic of my new tent shortly :)



  • At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's nice to see that no damage happened to your car for once ;0



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