Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Big Rip-Off

Not only do you get hosed at the pumps, you get hosed every month when you buy into this whole auto-insurance business...Why have it? I mean honestly, those monthly withdrawals is like money thown out the window...Never to be seen again! And for what reason do we need this insurance? Well, one might say...You can claim damages to your vehicle just in case you get into an accident...HA! That's a crock of...Well, you get the message! Can you tell I'm bitter?!?! Let me tell you why.

I got into a minor fender bender a couple of weeks ago (please keep this time line in mind). The fender bender which wasn't my fault, has been a thorn in my rear quarter panel and bumper for three weeks now. And why you ask? Well, following accident protocol, I reported the accident to the Reporting Center, and then to my insurance company. I gave them as much information as I could and would hope that they'd would follow up with the other motorist. After many messages last week, they did not call back. No update, nothing! What I was told was this: a) If they contacted the other driver and he had insurance, his insurance would pay for my deductible and all would be good. b) If they could not contact the other motorist, I would have to pay for my own deductible ($1000.00)...Highly unfair. And, c) If they contact the other motorist but he does not have valid insurance, I was protected under the Highway Traffic Act but would still have to pay $300.00 towards my deductible to get my car fixed...Complicated, yup! And when you have insurance companies taking their sweet time getting all this info together, it leads to frustration. Especially considering, my car was in the shop waiting for word from the insurance company. No word = Driving a banged up car. Finally, after a week of waiting, I got a call! But the call wasn't positive...They're still waiting to hear back from the other driver...I've got an idea....Knock on his friggin' door! So now I wait. Maybe the other motorist will return a phone-call. I hope my insurance company ended the voicemail message with 'please'. Wouldn't want to upset the other driver! This is Canada afterall.

So here I sit...Frustrated, jaded, and just generally left with a bad taste in my mouth when my bank account takes a hit on the 16th of each month....But now I get to watch my premiums go up. Yippee! (sense the sarcasm?!?).


Sunday, October 16, 2005

And What A Week It's Been!

Let me start off first by congratulating Pam and Mike on their wedding this past weekend! It was alot of fun and alot of happy faces! Once I get my camera back and the pics downloaded onto my computer, I will post a few of them as soon as I can.

Where to begin??? Well, the tiles in our kitchen and bathroom have finally been fixed! Over two years of living with cracked tiles has come to an end! Although, with the job of ripping up the old tiles and laying new ones down came with a price. Not monetary, as our landlord flipped the bill for it...But, the price of inconvenience. Dust, dirt and major cleanup. And also, not being able to live in our space for 3 nights! You see, when they ripped up the tiles in the washroom, they also disconnected the toilet and had it sitting in the hallway. Which means, no use of bathroom facilities. Could pose a problem when you gotta answer the call of nature. However, with the help of my girlfriend and some friends, I was able to find a place to crash for a couple of nights. Thanks Bren, Cathy and Kirk! You guys rock! But now, the tiling job has been completed (mind you 2 days behind schedule). It looks alright, although I don't quite think that it has been fully completed. As far as I can tell, no sealant has been added to the tiles. This could pose a few problems a couple of years down the road....But it ain't my problem! As long as they don't crack or come apart while I'm living here, it's okay by me!

Next on my list...The minor fender bender last Wednesday morning...I swear, the Sentra has a big target sign attached to it. Doing ZERO kilometers an hour, some dude merged into me trying to avoid firetrucks going the other way. Good times! Not! He also left me with incomplete information...Hmmm, not my problem, I'm going through insurance. I'll let them do all the legwork to track this guy down. I mean honestly, why can't I catch a break with my car. Maybe it's my bad 'CARma' coming back to haunt me...Sorry about that. Oh well, this'll all be fixed by the end of next week.

Lastly, Happy Birthday Ryan! An awesome surprise b-day party last night! Too bad it had to end with punks theiving! Idiots! Aside from that bad portion of the evening, hope you a good time! You even sang karaoke! :) Be cautioned though, you may get addicted :)

Well, that's all the news that's fit to print. Hope you all had a good weekend, and check back soon...Pics of the wedding to follow.


Friday, October 07, 2005


I just realized...I really like saying the word "Wow".

That's all...



Wow...It has happened! We have a cottage! I was up there earlier this morning to check it out and can I tell you, I am stoked! There's gonna be alot of good times up there in the coming years :)

If you want, click on the pic to see some more shots I took of the place.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A New Season!

Wow! I can't be-leaf it!!! A new season! With all the new rule changes comes an adjustment period for all Leaf fans. Sure, the Leaf's have aged. But then again, it's nothing new. As long as we can stay healthy, do we have a shot??? Of course we do!!!! Lindros, Allison and O'neill...The hometown advantage!

Regardless of the injuries....I have faith!!! GO LEAFFS GO! Hope you share my faith!


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Getting Close!

Sunday October 9th...That's how much time remains before my sister gets married. I do have to say, so many emotions have been running through my head of late. As most know, my sister and I are close...Could be a result of our European upbringing, or could be a result that we always helped each other out. Whatever the reason...We just get along. We share the same circle of friends, enjoy hanging out and even enjoy challenging each other at a game of pool or a game on the PS2. Yes, we are both very competitve which makes it fun.

One night hanging out with some of our friends at a local establishment, Pam met this guy named Mike. Now, Mike doesn't live in the city, he was down for the weekend visiting some friends...These friends of his however, happened to be our friends as well. After a night of chatting, they realized that this could lead to something. And how right they were! They enjoy alot of the same things and just simply put, have alot in common. From sports right down to their humour. It's fantastic, Pam has met somebody she's been looking for...But better yet, has met somebody she want's to spend her life with :) About Mike, I think he's a great guy...A stand up individual. He is very easy going, and fun to be around. He's a hard worker and doesn't mind helping out when he can.

I am so happy for the both of them! I can't for wait for Sunday! I am really stoked for them and know that everything will go smoothly! I will try to post some pics from the wedding as soon as I can :)
