Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Givin' Up!

This morning...Sun shinning, a little on the chilly side but a nice day nonetheless. Until I walked towards my car. Much to my surprise (but not the kind that makes you all happy and giddy inside), surface and deep scratches along all 4 panels of the passenger side. That's right, both doors, fender and quarter panel covered in scratches.

What really gets me going is that my car was parked in the driveway. This means, someone who lives close by did this to my car. Probably walking from the backyard to the front while carying something. Either a big grabage pal, a 2x4 peice of wood or whatev' and using my car as a guide. Impressed? I am not! Considering there was no note or anything. This means now, I either have to pay out of pocket to get this fixed, or go through insurance (which I'll still need to pay the deductible). ARGH! Frustrated, you betch'a! If the Sentra's a target, then I must say to whomever scratched my car this morning....Bullseye!



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