Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


So after hearing the news that Jetsgo might be making a comeback slated for sometime this summer (most likely end of June), I was filled with bitterness...How could a company that had so unproperly treated it's staff, creditors and more importantly it's customers, get away with such an announcement?!? And what makes them think that passengers will trust them again???

Quite honestly, I am tired of hearing that company name...It hurts me to even type it. And I wasn't even affected by their whole March Break stunt. Leaving thousands and thousands of passengers stranded not to mention the pilots who were stranded as well. Taking ticket orders up until midnight the day before the announcement to ground their planes.

I guess on the bright side (if you can call it that), Jetsgo will look at ways to hire back people who previously worked with company...And also, if they do make a comeback, it'll help reduce the cost of fares with the other airlines (which increased since Jetsgo stopped their service). Well, at least until they decide they cannot operate anymore....Again (Please see Royal and Canada 3000).

My advice, if you do decide to book with Jetsgo upon their return...Go through a travel agent, and say yes to travel insurance!


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Happy Couple :)

Originally uploaded by check17.

A Hard Day's Work

Originally uploaded by check17.

Packing it up!

After 2 years of my sister and I being roomates, she has decided that she has had enough of me and is skipping town :) Actually, the truth of the matter is, she is moving to the P-dot to live with her fiance Mike commencing this Saturday...

It's definitely gonna feel weird around here...Not only do we get along so well, but she is also taking Zoe "The Wonder Whippet" with her. It'll be new beginnings for everyone with all new stories to tell! Besides, they know that I'll visit...I'll get to see my sister, my future brother-in-law, Zoe and of course, munch on the best tasting ribs at Hot Belly Mama's!!! :)

Congratulations Pam and Mike! :)


Monday, March 28, 2005

Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

It's more serious than you think...And the outcome could be worse than you can imagine. And more times than not, symptom-less. I am talking none other than your cholesterol. It's a topic you hear daily, in the news, on the radio and even read about in the newspaper. But if you have high cholesterol, it could lead to stroke or even heart attack!

Being only 30 myself, I thought I surely wasn't at risk of having a high cholesterol count...But after a recent trip to the doctor, it was soon discovered that yup, I do...Like so many of us, I love the covenience of fast food, the tastiness of beer, but are too busy with work during the week to have time to hit the gym. However, from when it was soon discovered, my diet has changed and I have 3 months to ship my cholesterol into shape. I am lucky that this was caught early enough before my choesterol levels spiraled way out of control. And that is the sole reason for this post...Regardless if you are a man or a woman of any background (it does not discriminate), do yourself a favour and get checked out. Your heart will be happy you did!

For more information on cholesterol, please click on the following links:

Health Canada -

Heart Canada -

Checkstr :)

Sunday, March 27, 2005


Hello all, and welcome to my new blog! :) This is my first go at this, so forgive me if it looks a little rough around the edges. I promise that within the next week or so, I will try and finalize a look.

Within this blog, you'll read the general ramblings of my day-day experiences...Plus, I'll try to provide links to some fun other sites (if only I can figure out how to do And also, I'll try to get some pics up here shortly as well.

I hope you enjoy what you read...And hope you'll take the time to comment on any posting that makes you happy...Get's your blood flowing...Or, whatev'!


P.S --> Happy Easter! :)

On the dock

On the dock
Originally uploaded by check17.
You know what? I just can't wait for the summer to arrive! Can't you tell? lol :)

Check out these links....

Seeing as I am having trouble trying to get a sidebar with various links on it...Let me start you off with a couple.

For fun:
Weebl & Bob:



The Sign Shop:
Dead at Twenty-Seven:
Agency 71:


The Weather Network:
CablePulse 24:

More links to follow!