Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Monday, April 04, 2005

Change is good

It's been exactly two days since my sister moved out of the city. It felt really weird sitting in an empty house last night but had Bren (my girlfriend) over keeping me company :) She came over to help me tidy up and afterwards we watched some TV.

Today while at work...The movers were here moving my new roomate's belongings into the apartment. I left the house empty this morning and came back to it full. My new roomate seems pretty cool, and I really think we'll get along. It is true however that I'm still adjusting to the idea that my sister (and of course Zoe), are no longer in the city. The routines that we once had as roomates for the past two years are no longer the routines of my everyday. Also, the routine of taking Zoe out and feeding her in the mornings are gone as well...I got to see a puppy Whippet who once fit in the palm of my hand, grow to an adult dog who was difficult to pick up.

It's a new beginning for both Pam and myself...She gets to spend more time with her fiance Mike, and that's awesome! He is a great guy and I feel that they make a great couple! And for me, I have new experiences to look forward to!



  • At 8:34 PM, Blogger Chewy said…

    She knows that the late night noises that shake the foundations from your bedroom is snoring right?????

    I keed, I keed, best o luck with the new roomie!

  • At 10:26 PM, Blogger Checkstr :) said…

    I still deny the fact that I snore! :) Oh, who am I kidding??? I saw logs like it's goin' outta style! :)


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