Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Please Welcome Into Our Family....Jake!

That's right! After much thought, my parents have decided to get a new puppy! A Miniature Schnauzer named Jake :) He is really cute and very calm even though he comes from the Terrier family of dogs which if you know of the Terrier breed, they can tend to be pretty barky. However, not Jake. Not once today did I hear him bark. Granted, he's still a puppy (4 months old). Did I mention already, he's a cutie?!?! lol...

He slept for the majority of my stay up at my parent's place. But once outside, he was running around after his toys. Once June rolls around, I'll be able to post some pictures of the dog. Until then, you'll have to trust my biased opinion of Jake and beleive me when I say that you'll go "Awwwww" when you see the pics :)


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Click On The Cooler To See Pics Of The 2-4 Long Weekend!

Beer Cooler
Originally uploaded by check17.
Here is a sample of some of the pics I just downloaded from the recent May 2-4 Long Weekend! Click on the cooler and check it out!

Chillfoot! :)

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The time has come!

Pam, Mike, Bren and myself
Originally uploaded by check17.
It's May 2-4 time! The weekend I've waited for has finally arrived! And a-campin' we will go! Here's to a safe and happy long weekend!

P.S - I finally got internet service again, and it feels great to be back online! Now only if I can figure out how to send e-mail without my anti-virus software giving me encrypted messages. After many a dealings with the tech dept. of my ISP, they advised me to disable my antivirus software when I wanted to use Outlook...Something to do with a secure connection conflict. Hmmmm...In this day and age, I don't think it'd be wise to disable something as important as that software...There's gotta be a better way, and I'm determined to find it! Calling Symantec is not an option because apparently, you have to pay for tech support...Are you kidding me?!?!?! I guess buying their software is not enough! But I'm not bitter! :)


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Offline For 1 Week...Or So

It's time for me to say goodbye to our current internet access as it's still under my sister's name (she actually moved out over a month ago). Me and my new roomate have an account ready to be set up on the 18th...Or when we get our modem.

It's gonna feel weird...I have gotten so used to the internet, MSN Messenger, and of course my e-mail that it's going to be hard to imagine a week without it. But I'll survive, it's not that bad really (well, that's what I keep telling myself)...I'm outta town for the weekend visiting Pam and Mike, as well as meeting the other side of Bren's family for the first time. Should be a fun weekend...

And then, cue the long weekend...A whole bunch of us are going to be camping near the Bancroft area. Hoping the weather obeys with sunshine and warmth (I can dream can't I?). Good friends, good eats, good drinks, and sleeping in tents....Nothing kicks off the summer right like a good ol' fashion camping trip...Oh yeah, and of course cooking steaks over an open campfire! Yummmm! :)

Hopefully I'll get a chance to write before the long weekend....If I don't, have a good one!

Until then.......


Saturday, May 07, 2005

Just an Awesome Shot!

Originally uploaded by check17.
Feast your eyes on what I beleive to be one of the best fireworks shot ever taken!

P.S -> Summertime is just around the corner!!! :)


Don't Anger The Sun Gods!!!

How true it is! This pic was taken last May 2-4 weekend and if you look closely, you'll see an abundance of blue tarping...Your eyes do not lie. It rained, and rained, and...Well, you get the point. Aside from keeping high spirits throughout that weekend, it was damp!

Weather or not I've learned my lesson (pardon the pun), I gots 'da itch to camp again! It's a fact, I'll be praying for sunny warm weather...But hmmm, don't we all know that this particular weekend's synonymous with unpredictable weather?!?!? Of course! And that's what makes it fun...A challenge if you will! Rain or shine, we'll be sure to make it a blast!

Check back here shortly, I hope to post pics of this upcoming 2-4 weekend right here! Hopefully there'll be no pictures of me running around with a lampshade over my head, or doing a triple sow-cow in my dress shoes...But I make no promises :)


Friday, May 06, 2005

Happy Mother's Day!

Seeing that I probably won't get a chance to post before Mother's Day, I just want to say...

Happy Mother's Day!

It's looking like a beautiful weekend, so get on out there, and enjoy!

A new post to come hopefully this weekend, if not, early next week...Busy, busy, busy!
