Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Offline For 1 Week...Or So

It's time for me to say goodbye to our current internet access as it's still under my sister's name (she actually moved out over a month ago). Me and my new roomate have an account ready to be set up on the 18th...Or when we get our modem.

It's gonna feel weird...I have gotten so used to the internet, MSN Messenger, and of course my e-mail that it's going to be hard to imagine a week without it. But I'll survive, it's not that bad really (well, that's what I keep telling myself)...I'm outta town for the weekend visiting Pam and Mike, as well as meeting the other side of Bren's family for the first time. Should be a fun weekend...

And then, cue the long weekend...A whole bunch of us are going to be camping near the Bancroft area. Hoping the weather obeys with sunshine and warmth (I can dream can't I?). Good friends, good eats, good drinks, and sleeping in tents....Nothing kicks off the summer right like a good ol' fashion camping trip...Oh yeah, and of course cooking steaks over an open campfire! Yummmm! :)

Hopefully I'll get a chance to write before the long weekend....If I don't, have a good one!

Until then.......



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