Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005


The Hunchback of Monterra
Originally uploaded by check17.
Last Friday, the company I work for shipped us off to Blue Mountain for a corporate day of fun and team building excercises.

Of the many events to choose from, how could I pass up the opportunity to golf Monterra for free? So to the course I went, and although my game was less than spectacular, it was a blast.

Friday night after the dinner, a bunch of us had decided to stay overnight and hit the party scene at the village. Alot of fun, a few bevvy's and just like last year, a splitting headache Saturday morning :)

As a sidenote...Congrats to my girlfriend Bren who found out last week the she'll be starting a new job after the Labour Day long weekend :) You'll do amazing!


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Givin' Up!

This morning...Sun shinning, a little on the chilly side but a nice day nonetheless. Until I walked towards my car. Much to my surprise (but not the kind that makes you all happy and giddy inside), surface and deep scratches along all 4 panels of the passenger side. That's right, both doors, fender and quarter panel covered in scratches.

What really gets me going is that my car was parked in the driveway. This means, someone who lives close by did this to my car. Probably walking from the backyard to the front while carying something. Either a big grabage pal, a 2x4 peice of wood or whatev' and using my car as a guide. Impressed? I am not! Considering there was no note or anything. This means now, I either have to pay out of pocket to get this fixed, or go through insurance (which I'll still need to pay the deductible). ARGH! Frustrated, you betch'a! If the Sentra's a target, then I must say to whomever scratched my car this morning....Bullseye!


Saturday, August 20, 2005

What Do You Get.....

Wouldn't Want to Swim in This!
Originally uploaded by check17.
When you cross a torrential downpour with an overworked drainage system?

A nature made swimming pool at the bottom of the street. Although, I would not want to swim in it...That's for sure!

The heavy rains from yesterday's storm flooded the bottom of my street and left cars parked on the road covered up to their windowsills in water.

I can't remember a time when I saw rain come down that hard for that long of period. At one point, it was raining so hard that it looked like it was snowing. Others in and around the city were also treated to scenes of tornadic activity. Green clouds in half formed funnel formation. It was a storm that really came out of nowhere and just goes to show you, Mother Nature is a force not to reckon with sometimes.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Just Kidding...Click Here For The Pics Of The Stag Weekend!

Ooops...Apparently if you click on the title of my previous post, you go nowhere. So, if you click on this title, pictures you will see :)


Update: - Pics offline UFN.

Stag'ing it up!

The Waffle's Wild Weekend!
Originally uploaded by check17.
This past weekend was unlike any other...It was the stag weekend party up at the cottage for my future Brother-in-law Mike. It was a blast indeed! Good friends, good eats, good drinks...Well, you get the idea! Rob, great job organizing the event! And of course, shout out to Chad for opening the cottage for this unforgettable weekend!

If you feel like checking out the pics of this past weekend's festivities, click on the title of this post and enjoy :)

Congratulations brother Mike! Hope you enjoyed your stag :)


Saturday, August 06, 2005

Going Once, Going Twice, SOLD!!!

Going Once, Going Twice, SOLD!!!
Originally uploaded by check17.
After many a'showings, the place I live in has been sold! So what does this mean to a current tennant like myself?

Well, I had the opportunity to chat with my potential new landlord and this is what he had to say...

He is not going to uproot any current tennants (that's good)...He is planning on fixing all the tiles, the roof and anything else that needs attention (that is also good), he is also planning on renting the upstairs apartment (good as well), and, he lives in the beaches (very good in case something goes wrong).

He takes possession (if all the bank stuff goes as planned) September 29th. I am excited, he seems very gung-ho about the place. I guess only time will tell wether or not he lives up to his plans and ideas for renovations. I hope so because this place needs it!

Well, that the new news of the day...I'm now off to the beer festival! Yippee!


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Pics Of The 'Civic Long Weekend' Now Online!

The second last weekend of the summer has come and gone...But of course not without the some picture goodness to share with y'all!

Just click on the title of this post and ta-daa! Enjoy :)
