Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Going Once, Going Twice, SOLD!!!

Going Once, Going Twice, SOLD!!!
Originally uploaded by check17.
After many a'showings, the place I live in has been sold! So what does this mean to a current tennant like myself?

Well, I had the opportunity to chat with my potential new landlord and this is what he had to say...

He is not going to uproot any current tennants (that's good)...He is planning on fixing all the tiles, the roof and anything else that needs attention (that is also good), he is also planning on renting the upstairs apartment (good as well), and, he lives in the beaches (very good in case something goes wrong).

He takes possession (if all the bank stuff goes as planned) September 29th. I am excited, he seems very gung-ho about the place. I guess only time will tell wether or not he lives up to his plans and ideas for renovations. I hope so because this place needs it!

Well, that the new news of the day...I'm now off to the beer festival! Yippee!



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