Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Gearin' Up For The Cottage!

That's right...May 2-4's in the distant and now Canada Day (The infamous July 1st) weekend is approaching...And fast! That makes me smile :) And why???? Of course, the cottage weekend!

Mind you, this also marks my first year anniversary up at the cottage. Ah yes, I remember the day quite well....Sunny, probably about 27 degrees celsius and the bets were on! You see, my sense of direction = no sense of direction....I could probably get lost on my own street. So, let's give Phil a map of how to get to the cottage and bet on what time he's gonna get there! I give my friends full props :) They had a board made up with different times, and I think the last time was something like 4AM. Why is that impressive? I was leaving work at 1PM! Oblivious to this, I trekked across the downtown core. Trying to find the best route, but picture the mass exodus...The packed cars of motorists doing the same, trying to get away! Every highway was jammed...But what about the toll highway??? Now, I'm not a fan for paying a toll on a highway that was designed for one to drive on, but this weekend was an exception! I wanted up at the cottage, and I wanted up at the cottage asap! I quickly jumped on the 407 and headed east...Please keep in mind, I had no idea where this highway was going to lead me. But I just kept on truckin! Everything worked out to my advantage, and I made it there by 4:15PM! As I walked towards my friends, I heard "Is that Phil??" "Can't be!" "OMG, it is!"....That's right, I made it....And didn't get lost :) That was an awesome weekend, and I'm sure it'll be just as good (if not better), this Canada Day weekend! I'll be posting pics as soon as I can :)

The car is packed, I have 1 more day of work....1 night of helping Bren move, and then....We're on our way to the cottage! :) I can't wait...It's been a crazy week at work and therefore, sitting on the dock having a brew with friends is just what the doctor ordered! :) Have a safe one!!!

P.S - Happy Birthday Pam! :)



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