Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Ever wonder what it's like being in a car and getting rear-ended while not expecting it? Well, such was the case for me tonight on my way home from work. Sitting in the left lane of traffic on the QEW eastbound just before the Lakeshore exit, was where the incident happened. We were all stopped, not going anywhere when POW!!! I felt the sudden jolt and jerk of my car and in an instant, dust and dirt started flying about. As istinct would have it, I immediately looked at the car in front of me praying that for a second, it wasn't me who rear-ended the car in front. And to my relief (albeit temporarily), I did not cause the accident. So, what to do? I pulled off the highway (other motorists please take note...This is what you're supposed to do when you get in an accident during rush hour!) We got out of our respective cars and that's where I noticed my rear bumper was barely hangin' on. After the exchange of info, we ripped off the bumper and carried on our seperate ways.

Anger, frustration and acceptance...All those emotions felt in less than half an hour. After dealing with the woman's boyfriend (she was the one who actually hit my car), I gave him 2 options (hey, I'm a nice guy)! :) Basically, I will get one quote from the shop of my choice...Really the only shop I deal with and then I'll advise them of the cost. They can either pay for the damage out of pocket, or we can go through insurance. He tried to put up an argument "Well, I have a buddy who works..." Hmmmm....I don't think so bro! You hit my car remember! Cue the anger. He then agreed to my terms. I then peered back to the Sentra which really looked a little worse for the wear, and thought, "Are you kidding me!?!" It's not that long ago when I had some guy who backed into the door of my car while I was inside a house having an espresso. Surely enough, I got a new door out of the ordeal but that's besides the point. Where does it end? How many panels must I replace before I purchase a nerf-mobile(tm)? You guessed it, frustration. After ripping the bumper off and sticking it in the backseat of my car, I went up to the woman who hit me (who seemed very much in shock) and said, "That's okay, no worries, accidents happen and we're all okay". Acceptance. Accidents happen, and I think that helped me keep my cool through all that has happened.

And all this, coming shortly after my insurance company told me that they were raising my rates an additional $275 a year. I said "But I haven't had one traffic ticket or even an accident in an entire year" Foot, say hello to mouth. Rats!!! If only I had knocked on some wood!



  • At 9:30 PM, Blogger Chewy said…

    You are far to level headed Phil!
    Glad you were not injured tho... however, I do know the name of a great lawer and I have a spare neckbrace if ya need!!

  • At 10:21 PM, Blogger Checkstr :) said…

    I'll be right over to pick up that :)

    Luckily I wasn't hurt, just got a little bit of a sore back...But other than that, doin' alright. Just sh*tty that these things happen but what can 'ya do?


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