Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Gearin' Up For The Cottage!

That's right...May 2-4's in the distant and now Canada Day (The infamous July 1st) weekend is approaching...And fast! That makes me smile :) And why???? Of course, the cottage weekend!

Mind you, this also marks my first year anniversary up at the cottage. Ah yes, I remember the day quite well....Sunny, probably about 27 degrees celsius and the bets were on! You see, my sense of direction = no sense of direction....I could probably get lost on my own street. So, let's give Phil a map of how to get to the cottage and bet on what time he's gonna get there! I give my friends full props :) They had a board made up with different times, and I think the last time was something like 4AM. Why is that impressive? I was leaving work at 1PM! Oblivious to this, I trekked across the downtown core. Trying to find the best route, but picture the mass exodus...The packed cars of motorists doing the same, trying to get away! Every highway was jammed...But what about the toll highway??? Now, I'm not a fan for paying a toll on a highway that was designed for one to drive on, but this weekend was an exception! I wanted up at the cottage, and I wanted up at the cottage asap! I quickly jumped on the 407 and headed east...Please keep in mind, I had no idea where this highway was going to lead me. But I just kept on truckin! Everything worked out to my advantage, and I made it there by 4:15PM! As I walked towards my friends, I heard "Is that Phil??" "Can't be!" "OMG, it is!"....That's right, I made it....And didn't get lost :) That was an awesome weekend, and I'm sure it'll be just as good (if not better), this Canada Day weekend! I'll be posting pics as soon as I can :)

The car is packed, I have 1 more day of work....1 night of helping Bren move, and then....We're on our way to the cottage! :) I can't wait...It's been a crazy week at work and therefore, sitting on the dock having a brew with friends is just what the doctor ordered! :) Have a safe one!!!

P.S - Happy Birthday Pam! :)


Monday, June 27, 2005

Pride Pictures Uploaded!!!

That's right!!! I have posted the pictures from the 2005 Gay Pride Parade held right here in Toronto! Thanks to my buddy Kirk for setting up the photo gallery on his website to make posting all these pictures possible.

About the parade...It was fantastic, the weather was awesome, and the good times were a'plenty! I even had the chance to cap the night off with a little karaoke :)

You can either click on the title of this post to be transferred directly to the pictures, or click on this link: I hope you all enjoy!


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Spinning It Up A Notch!

Tonight was the first 'Spinning' class I have ever attended. And people who know me would automatically assume that this would be the last spinning class I ever participate in...And quite frankly, that is not the case! Sure I'll be hobbling around for the next couple of days in pain, but wow, I have never felt the sweat drip down my face like that before! As a matter of fact, I have never felt as soaked as I did by the end of the class. And it felt great! Partly because I knew that I was accomplishing something. And of course because I was there with a bunch of my friends...One of which spins regularly...Much props Ashley! :) I give full credit to those who do this twice or more a week for sure! It's hard work, not only bouncing up and down, but just keeping the bike wheels turning for the full hour without pausing (which I only did once for a brief minute) or even passing out (which I thought I was going to do).

So what is spinning? Essentially, you sit on a stationary bike and start pedaling...There's rockin' music, and an instructor motivating and conducting the pace of the class. You climb stairs (so to speak) while riding the bike, you bounce up and down and you pedal hard for most of the class. It's invigorating but exhausting at the same time...I have to thank Ashley for introducing this to me, and I hope to make this a regular Tuesday night gig! It's most definitely a good way to start whooping my arse into shape! However, at the present moment, you must excuse me while I climb into bed and call it a night!


Monday, June 13, 2005

Searchin' For Underwater Treasures

Zoe "The Deep Sea Diver"
Originally uploaded by check17.
Pam just sent me the cutest photo of Zoe from their recent cottage trip last weekend. I had to share the pic with everyone because well, it's Zoe! (I think she was feeling a little left out with the introduction of Jake) :)

On another note, Bren and I went up to Belleville this past weekend and had a great time...I must thank Kelly and Marcus (and Lauren too) for allowing us to invade their space and their swimming pool for the weekend. I got the experience of golfing at the military base in Trenton on Sunday. A very cool experience to see all the planes, choppers and the base camp itself. I have to admit, I got chills just driving through all the different areas. I'm a true city kid who isn't much into the war scene and therefore seeing all that overwhelmed me. Maybe it was the realization that war is real...Or, the patriotic feeling I got as soon as we entered and saw the massive Canadian flags flapping in the wind...But it could've been the sounds of the choopers and planes taking off and landing...Whatever it was, it made me tip my hat.

Hope you all had a great weekend. I'm already looking forward to next weekend...I know, it's only Monday...But it's only four days away :)

P.S - Not only is it Father's Day on Sunday, it's also Bren's Birthday on the 19th!!! :)


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

It's Gettin' Hot in Here!

The second week of June has arrived and wow, has it been hot! Since Monday, 3 days of 30 degree + temperatures. To top it off, we can expect more of the same until at least Monday of next week. Two things to remember in temperatures like this, a) keep hydrated and b) avoid extensive strenuous work...Now if only I can somehow find a way to classify my work as strenuous :)

This weather has gotten me to think...Where can I score an A/C unit for my apartment? Actually, someone I work with has offered me his 6,200 BTU window unit for only $50 bucks. A pretty sweet deal which i may soon take him up on that offer. We'll see how it goes by the end of the weekend and then make the call. Just the thought of a cool apartment puts a smile on my face :)

Well, this will probably be my last post until sometime next week as I'm heading out of town this weekend with Bren to visit her sister, brother-in-law and neice Lauren. There'll probably be some swimming and golfing to be had as well :) Have a great weekend y'all!


Friday, June 03, 2005

Jake's in 'Da House!

Say Hello to Jake!
Originally uploaded by check17.
As promised...June has rolled around and that means, I'm able to upload more photos!! :) Here is one of many pics you're likey going to see of Jake on my site (Not to worry Zoe...I love you both equally!)

As mentioned, he is a 4 month old Schnauzer, a little on the timid side but I'm sure he'll soon crack out of his shy self. Just the other day, I heard him bark...And bark...And...Well, you get the idea. He is still quite hesitant to answer when called by his name, probably because the breeder my parents got him from didn't give him a name...They only called him "Sunshine". Quite frankly, I think Jake suits him better!

Well, It's been a while since I've actually posted worthwhile content to read and I apologize. Yes, I've slacked off! Even after my week long vacation after the 2-4 weekend, I was only able to drum up one measly post. So what's the dealio one may ask??? Lemme fill you in.

First off, the 2-4 long weekend. Although the weather wasn't as nice as we would've all liked, it was definitely an improvement from last year's 2-4 trip. There was lots of food, drinks and good times! We were all in good spirits and ready to camp it up! I caught some chuckles due to the tent Bren and I resided in for the weekend. And yes, the chuckles were valid...The smallest of all tents with a double air mattress blown up inside of it. The tent was buldging on all sides because the air mattress didn't fit in it properly. Oh well, we made do, we just had to store our overnight bags in the car because there just wasn't any extra room. My vow, a bigger, better tent for our next camping excursion! Aside from the sleeping quarters, it was fun!

After the weekend was over, my Birthday week began. Much fun, and much surprises. My sister painted my entire room (something that really needed to be done), and it looks fantastic! Bren got me a digital camera (most of the pics you're looking at are courtesy of the nifty camera!). I also have to give a shout out to Kirk for helping Bren. You guys did an awesome job picking it out! The camera works great :)

Aside from that, not much else is happening. Until next post (which will hopefully be sooner than later)....
