Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Searchin' For Underwater Treasures

Zoe "The Deep Sea Diver"
Originally uploaded by check17.
Pam just sent me the cutest photo of Zoe from their recent cottage trip last weekend. I had to share the pic with everyone because well, it's Zoe! (I think she was feeling a little left out with the introduction of Jake) :)

On another note, Bren and I went up to Belleville this past weekend and had a great time...I must thank Kelly and Marcus (and Lauren too) for allowing us to invade their space and their swimming pool for the weekend. I got the experience of golfing at the military base in Trenton on Sunday. A very cool experience to see all the planes, choppers and the base camp itself. I have to admit, I got chills just driving through all the different areas. I'm a true city kid who isn't much into the war scene and therefore seeing all that overwhelmed me. Maybe it was the realization that war is real...Or, the patriotic feeling I got as soon as we entered and saw the massive Canadian flags flapping in the wind...But it could've been the sounds of the choopers and planes taking off and landing...Whatever it was, it made me tip my hat.

Hope you all had a great weekend. I'm already looking forward to next weekend...I know, it's only Monday...But it's only four days away :)

P.S - Not only is it Father's Day on Sunday, it's also Bren's Birthday on the 19th!!! :)



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