Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Spinning It Up A Notch!

Tonight was the first 'Spinning' class I have ever attended. And people who know me would automatically assume that this would be the last spinning class I ever participate in...And quite frankly, that is not the case! Sure I'll be hobbling around for the next couple of days in pain, but wow, I have never felt the sweat drip down my face like that before! As a matter of fact, I have never felt as soaked as I did by the end of the class. And it felt great! Partly because I knew that I was accomplishing something. And of course because I was there with a bunch of my friends...One of which spins regularly...Much props Ashley! :) I give full credit to those who do this twice or more a week for sure! It's hard work, not only bouncing up and down, but just keeping the bike wheels turning for the full hour without pausing (which I only did once for a brief minute) or even passing out (which I thought I was going to do).

So what is spinning? Essentially, you sit on a stationary bike and start pedaling...There's rockin' music, and an instructor motivating and conducting the pace of the class. You climb stairs (so to speak) while riding the bike, you bounce up and down and you pedal hard for most of the class. It's invigorating but exhausting at the same time...I have to thank Ashley for introducing this to me, and I hope to make this a regular Tuesday night gig! It's most definitely a good way to start whooping my arse into shape! However, at the present moment, you must excuse me while I climb into bed and call it a night!



  • At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Are you really going to do it more then once.....I must say...I am impressed.


  • At 12:45 AM, Blogger Checkstr :) said…

    You bet'cha! Every Tuesday! :)



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