Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Friday, June 03, 2005

Jake's in 'Da House!

Say Hello to Jake!
Originally uploaded by check17.
As promised...June has rolled around and that means, I'm able to upload more photos!! :) Here is one of many pics you're likey going to see of Jake on my site (Not to worry Zoe...I love you both equally!)

As mentioned, he is a 4 month old Schnauzer, a little on the timid side but I'm sure he'll soon crack out of his shy self. Just the other day, I heard him bark...And bark...And...Well, you get the idea. He is still quite hesitant to answer when called by his name, probably because the breeder my parents got him from didn't give him a name...They only called him "Sunshine". Quite frankly, I think Jake suits him better!

Well, It's been a while since I've actually posted worthwhile content to read and I apologize. Yes, I've slacked off! Even after my week long vacation after the 2-4 weekend, I was only able to drum up one measly post. So what's the dealio one may ask??? Lemme fill you in.

First off, the 2-4 long weekend. Although the weather wasn't as nice as we would've all liked, it was definitely an improvement from last year's 2-4 trip. There was lots of food, drinks and good times! We were all in good spirits and ready to camp it up! I caught some chuckles due to the tent Bren and I resided in for the weekend. And yes, the chuckles were valid...The smallest of all tents with a double air mattress blown up inside of it. The tent was buldging on all sides because the air mattress didn't fit in it properly. Oh well, we made do, we just had to store our overnight bags in the car because there just wasn't any extra room. My vow, a bigger, better tent for our next camping excursion! Aside from the sleeping quarters, it was fun!

After the weekend was over, my Birthday week began. Much fun, and much surprises. My sister painted my entire room (something that really needed to be done), and it looks fantastic! Bren got me a digital camera (most of the pics you're looking at are courtesy of the nifty camera!). I also have to give a shout out to Kirk for helping Bren. You guys did an awesome job picking it out! The camera works great :)

Aside from that, not much else is happening. Until next post (which will hopefully be sooner than later)....



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