Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Lift At The Knees!!!

Some experts in the Chiropractic field say to bend at the knees when lifting things or picking up heavy objects...And are they right? Well, I sure think so! 2 days ago while lifting a TV, I thought it'd be wise to use solely my Hee-Man back muscles...And shock hit me. Not the shock of me realizing I don't have alot of back muscle (I knew that already), but the shock of pain descending from my lower back down my leg. It was dibilitating to say the least. I was in so much pain for about an hour that I couldn't even stand up straight. It was the craziest and most messed up feeling, almost to the point where I thought I was gonna have to call someone to help me. But thankfully the pain slowly subsided, I grabbed the TV and carried on my way (this time picking it up with the help of my knees). Yesterday I was sore, but Robaxacet helped ease the pain...And knocked me out for most of the night. Today has been touch and go...Sometimes pain, but for the most part, it has been okay. Not to worry, I should be ready for the move on Saturday :)

In other news, I'm very close to getting my first pair of glasses. For the past 3-4 years now, I have slowly noticed my need to see things clearly. I went to the Optomotrist last week and they told me that I was nearsighted. Although not a heavy prescription, enough for her to recommend I wear them when I drive at night. Plus, it'll be nice to play NTN without squinting at the monitors! Hopefully by this weekend, I'll be sporting some new specs :)



  • At 5:27 AM, Blogger Chewy said…

    Get that checked out man, I aint wheelin yer ass around a campsite if I dont have to....

  • At 12:10 PM, Blogger Checkstr :) said…

    Hey, that sounds like fun! :) Weeeeeeeee....

  • At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey bro.....
    Mike and I have time on sunday, early afternoon, to help you pick out some geeky mean cool specs. Yeah...that's what I meant...of course what else would we do...we only want you to look cool.

  • At 7:48 PM, Blogger Checkstr :) said…

    Hey Pam...I gots me some sexy specs :) Wearin' em right now. Hopefully I'll get a pic posted up real soon...If not, you'll see me this weekend.



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