Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

It's been a while....

Excuse me all for I have sinned...It has been 5 days since my last posting. Truth of the matter is, I have kept myself busy...From the tiredness I've felt after a full day's work to the fact that I really have been going to the gym on a regular basis. The rest of the time has been spent either relaxin' in front of the tube or out with friends...

It all started with a round of golf Saturday afternoon...I wont even write down what I shot that game...Embarassing, but an awesome game nonethless because the weather couldn't have been any better! After golf included a night out singing karaoke with Bren and her friends. A night that had me singin' all of my favourite tunes while consuming 5.5 pints of beer (but I still insist it was only 4.5 pints) but who am I to argue??? I probably just stopped counting :) Then on Sunday, a little brunch with Cathy and Kirk, a little frisbee in the park where we also met up with Ashley and Sarah. Then off to a local patio bar where we met up with Ryan and had a couple of pints...I think we scared off other patrons and staff with our hi-jinx and laughter...Oh well, *Arf, Arf, Arf* Hehehe...When the sun went down, we headed over to another local pub for some grub (thanks again Ash!). I will say, vinagarette and french dressing should never mix! Ooooh boy, that's some serious tang!

The events of this past busy weekend set the tone for a very tired Monday. But I had things to do. I needed to drop my car off at the bodyshop (to get that new bumper put on), then I had to go and pick up my rental car (which is another story in itself...I've never really been a big fan of GM, and now I know why). After I grabbed the rental, I had to boot it across the city to work. But all was done and hopefully tomorrow, I get my car back...All fixed!!! :) I had the shop put the shiney reflective red and white stripping all around my car...Kidding, but it would probably be a good idea as of late!

In a nutshell, that has been the happenin's of my everyday...Well, at least since my last post. P.S. - Enjoy this awesome weather! Shhhhh....It may even last through the weekend! :)



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