Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Friday, April 15, 2005

Without further adieu...

Yesterday afternoon while sitting at my desk staring aimlessly at my computer the phone rings... "Your car will be ready to be picked up after 5:00 today" was what I heard them say on the other end, sooooo....Last night after work, I booted it over to the shop to pick up my car. It's all fixed and looks spiffy with it's new bumper...While the car was at the shop, I had them do an oil change and also had them replace the brake pads and had the rotors machined. The Sentra looks brand new! And the best part of it all...I am not driving that sad excuse for a Cavalier. That car almost overheated while I was sitting on the 401 for crying out loud!

So now it's off to work...All happy 'cause I get to drive my car :)



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