Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Not A Big Fan Of The Rain!

Although a dismal weekend in terms of the weather...I was still able to make the best of it! With the help of my friends, not a dull day or evening was had.

Friday started it all...The kickoff to the weekend. Met up with my girlfriend and my friends downtown at this place called the Friar. The original plan was to play some NTN and have some drinks...But, scrap the NTN, cue the chatting and grab the pints. From what I remember, there was not a dull moment in the conversation or an empty pint glass on the table. Generally an all out good time and a nice way to start off the weekend. Not to mention the makeout scene we all witnessed in the chip isle at the convenience store across the street...Can you say "That's one spicy Dorrr-ito!!" :)

Saturday morning came too early...Bren and I had to get up and make our way to Canada's Wonderland. The park's not open yet...But thanks to her friend, we were able to get tickets to go to a special opening. Although it poured down rain for most of the morning/early afternoon, it was still a fun time. And because they closed the park down early, we got a free admission pass for another day! With clothes soaked, we jumped in the car and headed home. I got in around 4:00 and crashed out...What was supposed to be a 2 hour power snooze turned into a half night's sleep. After the phone rang at 8PM, I was posed with a question from my buddy Kirk...."I was wondering, what did you feel like doing tonight?" I met up with him and Cathy and proceeded to a local pub for a couple of pints. After meeting up with Sarah at the bar, we all took off to the Lion for a couple of more pints and although I am not a big fan of live bands playing in small bars...This band was pretty decent.

Sunday = Relax day...If I could've stayed in bed the whole day, I would've. Actually, I just moved myself outta bed and plopped myself on the futon. Good times! Got up to barbecue and then back on the futon I went. Once again, good times! Unfortunately though, tomorrow's Monday :( Oh well, can't play the lazy role everyday (but it would be nice! C'mon Super 7)



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