Checkstr's Ramblings

Not only am I proud to be Canadian...I'm proud to be a Leaf's fan! GO LEAFS GO!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2005

I Can See Clearly Now....

After almost 4 years of seeing things out of focus, it was time to take my vision and make it a priority. On Thursday night, I stopped into Lenscrafters to fill out a prescription for eyeware that I received about a week ago. And WOW! What difference it makes. Everything is clear, from street signs to the scroll text on news and sports channels. Having to really struggle in the past to make out words from a distance, I can now easily read them. The glare of night driving....Gone! I feel alot more comfortable behind the wheel, even though I am still legal to drive without glasses (well, for now at least). But I can honestly say, I have a feeling that I'll be sporting these new specs while driving, going out, working....Well, pretty much all the time. The days of squinting are....Gone!

Even though I may have overpaid for these glasses (which I believe I did), it's still money well spent! Well, time for me to hit the great outdoors and take in the sights :)


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Lift At The Knees!!!

Some experts in the Chiropractic field say to bend at the knees when lifting things or picking up heavy objects...And are they right? Well, I sure think so! 2 days ago while lifting a TV, I thought it'd be wise to use solely my Hee-Man back muscles...And shock hit me. Not the shock of me realizing I don't have alot of back muscle (I knew that already), but the shock of pain descending from my lower back down my leg. It was dibilitating to say the least. I was in so much pain for about an hour that I couldn't even stand up straight. It was the craziest and most messed up feeling, almost to the point where I thought I was gonna have to call someone to help me. But thankfully the pain slowly subsided, I grabbed the TV and carried on my way (this time picking it up with the help of my knees). Yesterday I was sore, but Robaxacet helped ease the pain...And knocked me out for most of the night. Today has been touch and go...Sometimes pain, but for the most part, it has been okay. Not to worry, I should be ready for the move on Saturday :)

In other news, I'm very close to getting my first pair of glasses. For the past 3-4 years now, I have slowly noticed my need to see things clearly. I went to the Optomotrist last week and they told me that I was nearsighted. Although not a heavy prescription, enough for her to recommend I wear them when I drive at night. Plus, it'll be nice to play NTN without squinting at the monitors! Hopefully by this weekend, I'll be sporting some new specs :)


Monday, April 25, 2005

A Laughin' Good Time!

Originally uploaded by check17.
Thought I'd post a pic of Bren and myself after 3 hours of walking around in the rain at Canada's Wonderland. This was actually during lunch which we ate in the car and then decided to call it a day.
P.S. --> What am I looking at???


Sunday, April 24, 2005

Not A Big Fan Of The Rain!

Although a dismal weekend in terms of the weather...I was still able to make the best of it! With the help of my friends, not a dull day or evening was had.

Friday started it all...The kickoff to the weekend. Met up with my girlfriend and my friends downtown at this place called the Friar. The original plan was to play some NTN and have some drinks...But, scrap the NTN, cue the chatting and grab the pints. From what I remember, there was not a dull moment in the conversation or an empty pint glass on the table. Generally an all out good time and a nice way to start off the weekend. Not to mention the makeout scene we all witnessed in the chip isle at the convenience store across the street...Can you say "That's one spicy Dorrr-ito!!" :)

Saturday morning came too early...Bren and I had to get up and make our way to Canada's Wonderland. The park's not open yet...But thanks to her friend, we were able to get tickets to go to a special opening. Although it poured down rain for most of the morning/early afternoon, it was still a fun time. And because they closed the park down early, we got a free admission pass for another day! With clothes soaked, we jumped in the car and headed home. I got in around 4:00 and crashed out...What was supposed to be a 2 hour power snooze turned into a half night's sleep. After the phone rang at 8PM, I was posed with a question from my buddy Kirk...."I was wondering, what did you feel like doing tonight?" I met up with him and Cathy and proceeded to a local pub for a couple of pints. After meeting up with Sarah at the bar, we all took off to the Lion for a couple of more pints and although I am not a big fan of live bands playing in small bars...This band was pretty decent.

Sunday = Relax day...If I could've stayed in bed the whole day, I would've. Actually, I just moved myself outta bed and plopped myself on the futon. Good times! Got up to barbecue and then back on the futon I went. Once again, good times! Unfortunately though, tomorrow's Monday :( Oh well, can't play the lazy role everyday (but it would be nice! C'mon Super 7)


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Sports and Entertainment Complex?

Kinda baffles the mind doesn't it? No NHL, and no agreement in sight...However, Maple Leaf Sports and Ent. has decided to go ahead with a $350 million complex that will feature a 5 star restaurant...2 top notch condominiums and merchandising outlets for the Leafs, Raptors and Marlies.

But here's the thing...We have a homeless problem in the city...Transit woes...And other issues within the city that $350 million would certainly help alleviate. But instead, let's build a complex! Let's bring in tourism to see our homeless and ride on transit buses spewing black smoke. Sure, this is private money...Let those who have the cash decide what's best for the city. Maybe this complex will help with our somewhat ailing economy (this is what they're banking on, pardon the pun)...Or maybe, if we're really lucky, it'll turn into an eyesore that everyone laughs at (read: The Skydome...Ooops, I mean the Rogers Centre). Sure, people will occupy the ritzy condo's...But do you honestly think this complex will be built for the average Joe Worker? 5 Star restaurant...Condo's beside the ACC...I don't think so!!! I'm not 100% dead against this idea, I just feel that this kind of money could be best spent on other more important issues.

Oh well, I guess after taking in a Marlies game...I'll be heading back to my neighbourhood and hitting a local pub for reasonably priced drinks and food!


Did someone say "Run?!?!"

Attentive Zoe
Originally uploaded by check17.
C'mon...She's gotta be the cutest dog you've ever seen!!! Okay...Well maybe my point of view's a little biased, but I still believe she ranks up there! After many trips to the park this past weekend, I still get amazed of the fact that she's a speedy little bugger! She can surely tear it up when she's chasing her ball. Sometimes beating out the throw! (I couldn't even snap a picture of her running she was that fast). I told Pam and Mike that I was going to steal her while they were sleeping and drive her back to Toronto...But that little evil plan of mine failed to capitalize...Rats! Maybe next time...Yes, next time .


Saturday, April 16, 2005

Quick post...

Here I sit, at Pam and Mike's place in Peterborough. The place looks really good! Alot different from the last couple of times I've seen it...Painting and moving in of furniture and boxes. It's come along nicely! Mike and I even assembled a new bbq this afternoon to be used for the first time tomorrow afternoon when the folks come down. Mmmm...Steak!!! :) You may wonder why we don't use it tonight, the answer is simple...Hot Belly Mama's!!! Looking forward to the ribs, pool and beer!!! Good times!

With that being said, time to head on out...There's a half rack of ribs perfectly cooked with my name all over it!


Friday, April 15, 2005

Without further adieu...

Yesterday afternoon while sitting at my desk staring aimlessly at my computer the phone rings... "Your car will be ready to be picked up after 5:00 today" was what I heard them say on the other end, sooooo....Last night after work, I booted it over to the shop to pick up my car. It's all fixed and looks spiffy with it's new bumper...While the car was at the shop, I had them do an oil change and also had them replace the brake pads and had the rotors machined. The Sentra looks brand new! And the best part of it all...I am not driving that sad excuse for a Cavalier. That car almost overheated while I was sitting on the 401 for crying out loud!

So now it's off to work...All happy 'cause I get to drive my car :)


Tuesday, April 12, 2005

It's been a while....

Excuse me all for I have sinned...It has been 5 days since my last posting. Truth of the matter is, I have kept myself busy...From the tiredness I've felt after a full day's work to the fact that I really have been going to the gym on a regular basis. The rest of the time has been spent either relaxin' in front of the tube or out with friends...

It all started with a round of golf Saturday afternoon...I wont even write down what I shot that game...Embarassing, but an awesome game nonethless because the weather couldn't have been any better! After golf included a night out singing karaoke with Bren and her friends. A night that had me singin' all of my favourite tunes while consuming 5.5 pints of beer (but I still insist it was only 4.5 pints) but who am I to argue??? I probably just stopped counting :) Then on Sunday, a little brunch with Cathy and Kirk, a little frisbee in the park where we also met up with Ashley and Sarah. Then off to a local patio bar where we met up with Ryan and had a couple of pints...I think we scared off other patrons and staff with our hi-jinx and laughter...Oh well, *Arf, Arf, Arf* Hehehe...When the sun went down, we headed over to another local pub for some grub (thanks again Ash!). I will say, vinagarette and french dressing should never mix! Ooooh boy, that's some serious tang!

The events of this past busy weekend set the tone for a very tired Monday. But I had things to do. I needed to drop my car off at the bodyshop (to get that new bumper put on), then I had to go and pick up my rental car (which is another story in itself...I've never really been a big fan of GM, and now I know why). After I grabbed the rental, I had to boot it across the city to work. But all was done and hopefully tomorrow, I get my car back...All fixed!!! :) I had the shop put the shiney reflective red and white stripping all around my car...Kidding, but it would probably be a good idea as of late!

In a nutshell, that has been the happenin's of my everyday...Well, at least since my last post. P.S. - Enjoy this awesome weather! Shhhhh....It may even last through the weekend! :)


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Runnin' to a Different Beat

So starts the new me...A new era. Enough of this loungin' around the house all night and complaining that I'm out of breath after a short jaunt to the local convenience store. That's right, I'm taking matters into my own hands...I'm getting in to shape, even if it's the last thing I wanna do! My goal...By June 1st, drop 20 pounds. I'm not excessively overweight by any means, but I am (and I quote from my doctor)..."Overweight for my height". Let's review shall we, I weigh a mere 158 pounds and stand at 5'4.5...That's right, "The Five Foot Four and a Half Inch Force!" Now apparently, the normal weight for a male adult at that height should be roughly between 130-140 pounds! Crazy for me to even fathom, but it's true.

So here's the scoop:

5-7 nights a week (definitely no less than 5 nights):

15 minutes on the treadmill
15 minutes weight training (light - I'm not in it to build bulk muscle...Just to keep heart rate going)
10 minutes on the stationary bike
5 minutes Abs workout (crunches and sit-ups)

This totals 45 minutes of quality workout time. Combined with this, a healthier diet (than what I normally eat...Read: Junk food). Fruits, vegetables and you guessed it, more fruits and vegetables...Mixed in with a little protein and bread. However, I just can't say no to beer...My one weakness :)

I will try to keep a running diary on my accomplishments/set-backs from time to time on my blog. Wish me luck!


Damaged Goods

Originally uploaded by check17.
Hmmm...Think I'd get any offers if I threw a "For Sale" sign on my car?

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Ever wonder what it's like being in a car and getting rear-ended while not expecting it? Well, such was the case for me tonight on my way home from work. Sitting in the left lane of traffic on the QEW eastbound just before the Lakeshore exit, was where the incident happened. We were all stopped, not going anywhere when POW!!! I felt the sudden jolt and jerk of my car and in an instant, dust and dirt started flying about. As istinct would have it, I immediately looked at the car in front of me praying that for a second, it wasn't me who rear-ended the car in front. And to my relief (albeit temporarily), I did not cause the accident. So, what to do? I pulled off the highway (other motorists please take note...This is what you're supposed to do when you get in an accident during rush hour!) We got out of our respective cars and that's where I noticed my rear bumper was barely hangin' on. After the exchange of info, we ripped off the bumper and carried on our seperate ways.

Anger, frustration and acceptance...All those emotions felt in less than half an hour. After dealing with the woman's boyfriend (she was the one who actually hit my car), I gave him 2 options (hey, I'm a nice guy)! :) Basically, I will get one quote from the shop of my choice...Really the only shop I deal with and then I'll advise them of the cost. They can either pay for the damage out of pocket, or we can go through insurance. He tried to put up an argument "Well, I have a buddy who works..." Hmmmm....I don't think so bro! You hit my car remember! Cue the anger. He then agreed to my terms. I then peered back to the Sentra which really looked a little worse for the wear, and thought, "Are you kidding me!?!" It's not that long ago when I had some guy who backed into the door of my car while I was inside a house having an espresso. Surely enough, I got a new door out of the ordeal but that's besides the point. Where does it end? How many panels must I replace before I purchase a nerf-mobile(tm)? You guessed it, frustration. After ripping the bumper off and sticking it in the backseat of my car, I went up to the woman who hit me (who seemed very much in shock) and said, "That's okay, no worries, accidents happen and we're all okay". Acceptance. Accidents happen, and I think that helped me keep my cool through all that has happened.

And all this, coming shortly after my insurance company told me that they were raising my rates an additional $275 a year. I said "But I haven't had one traffic ticket or even an accident in an entire year" Foot, say hello to mouth. Rats!!! If only I had knocked on some wood!


Monday, April 04, 2005

Change is good

It's been exactly two days since my sister moved out of the city. It felt really weird sitting in an empty house last night but had Bren (my girlfriend) over keeping me company :) She came over to help me tidy up and afterwards we watched some TV.

Today while at work...The movers were here moving my new roomate's belongings into the apartment. I left the house empty this morning and came back to it full. My new roomate seems pretty cool, and I really think we'll get along. It is true however that I'm still adjusting to the idea that my sister (and of course Zoe), are no longer in the city. The routines that we once had as roomates for the past two years are no longer the routines of my everyday. Also, the routine of taking Zoe out and feeding her in the mornings are gone as well...I got to see a puppy Whippet who once fit in the palm of my hand, grow to an adult dog who was difficult to pick up.

It's a new beginning for both Pam and myself...She gets to spend more time with her fiance Mike, and that's awesome! He is a great guy and I feel that they make a great couple! And for me, I have new experiences to look forward to!


New look...Same great content!

You may have noticed a slight overhaul on the look and format of my blog since you last visited...And you're correct.

Luckily, pre-made formats were available and all I had to do was click on the one I wanted and Blogger did the rest. Why did I decide on changing things up? Let's just say, the old format did not please the eye. For starters, there was too much gap at the top of the page with no writing. Now I'm sure if I had more computer knowledge, I could've adjusted it in the template section, but really, I just couldn't be bothered trying to figure it out (I stress enough at work). Also, what really bothered me, is the fact that I couldn't have a "Link" section on the sidebar on the main page. Which if you look now, you'll see just a few links to keep 'ya occupied, more to be added as time goes on. I also feel that the lighter colours (or colors...Take your pick), of the current format is much more easier on the eyes than the original dark blue.

In short, I hope you like it! And hopefully I'll be able to post a little more frequently. Just been a tad busy of late, but that's another story!
